Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Surely He is able . . .

Been reading Psalms . . .been studying the ABILITY of our God on Monday nights . . .surely God is ABLE to guide me in the day to day life I lead!  Surely He is able to make me who I so want to be . . .He has such a GREAT TRACK RECORD:

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands."  Psalm 19:1
Drew, my grandson, has been learning about the moon!  A few weeks ago he said to me, 'Grammy do you know how we are like the moon?'   Having no idea where this was heading I was very curious about what this four year old would say.  "The moon has no light of its own - it REFLECTS the sun's light.  We are to REFLECT Jesus.".  He said it so confidently!

So . . .if OUR GOD can make the heavens in such a fashion that the MOON reflects the SUN'S LIGHT - surely He is able to make this GRAMMY reflect the light of Jesus!

Thank you, Drew!  I will never again look at the moon and not remember this!

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