Monday, March 21, 2011

Job has so many lessons for me. . .

How 'bout for you?   In our ladies Bible Study, Lies Women Believe, the writer points us to Job 23:10 "He knows the way I take, when He has tried me, I shall come out as gold."  The concept she is sharing is that God has eternal purposes for our problems in life.  I felt compelled to read the entire chapter this a.m.  Really, really helped me.   Have you ever felt as though you were SEARCHING for God's prescence?  Job did . . .I have . . .

Job with all his terrible trials said this:   'Behold, I go forward and He is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive Him, on the left hand when He is working I do not behold Him, He turns to the right hand, but I do not see Him. BUT HE KNOWS THE WAY I TAKE . . .He is UNCHANGEABLE . . .WHAT HE DESIRES - He does.  FOR HE WILL COMPLETE WHAT HE APPOINTS FOR ME AND MANY SUCH THINGS ARE IN HIS MIND."   Job 23:8-10, 13-14

Can't even describe how perfectly this fits the struggles of my mind and heart. . .Thank you Lord!

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