Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hope for Professional Worriers !

How bout these pics?  Grandany and Bray and Hay all went to see my mom this past Saturday.  Had fun with my sweet sister and her 2 boys - Calvin and Trevor. 
My husband has always joked with me when I have been worried, "Don't worry, call your mom, she is a Professional Worrier!"  So here is the "HOPE" for those of us who Worry as a Profession!  As we were leaving my mom says, "Please tell Mary that I still have her banner on my fridge that she sent me."
My mom went thru a heroic battle with cancer and cancer treatments last summer and fall.  My Pastor's wife, Mary sent her the following that she still has on her refrigerator:  GOD IS IN CONTROL!

HOPE FOR ALL OF US!  God is in control!  

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