Saturday, January 22, 2011

roller coaster week!

You know - roller coaster - up and down and around!  Highs and lows and laughs and tears.  That has been this week.  A week so full of joy - - and so full of sadness and disappointment.  I slept till the alarm this a.m. - something I don't often do.  When it went off and I reached to turn it off and get up - the following was the FIRST THOUGHT in my mind!

"O Taste and See that the Lord is good.  Blessed is the man (or woman!) who trust in Him."  Psalm 34:8

Out of no where . . . half asleep, after a restless night, out of nowhere during my roller coaster week . . .my God put this FACT in my mind!  A FACT I needed to remember and rest in.  HE IS GOOD - TASTE IT - SEE IT AND BE BLESSED!  (and for those of you who know her:  I feel like Miss Elsie today!!!)

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