Monday, April 11, 2011


This is the third week of our 'advent' to Easter!   Does that make sense?   Well . . .anyway this a.m. I read John's account of the arrest, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.  One thing that really stuck me was Pilate's comment to Jesus, "...don't you know that I have authority to crucify you and have authority to release you?"

Jesus answered:

"You can have no authority at all against me, except what if given you from above."   John 19:11

Jesus had told His disciples earlier:

"As the Father knows me so know I the Father, and I lay own my life for the sheep.   .. .I lay down my life for them that I may take it again.  No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again."    John 10:15, 18

Authority. Power. God in flesh . . .willingly giving up His life for me.

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