Tuesday, April 19, 2011


He told them, and He told them.  He was clear, He told them with details.  Yet, according to Luke , when the women went in and found the empty tomb that Sunday morning, "...they were perplexed."  Why?  The angel said to them,  "He is not here, but is risen.  Remember, how He told you, that the Son of Man must be ...crucified." Perplexed! Why? After all they had seen and heard?!  After all the miracles and the teachings and the walking with Jesus?  Perplexed?  Wait a minute . . .

So many times God has supplied my needs - and I am surprised!
So many times God answers my prayers - and I am surprised!
With all the promises in His Word, and all the blessings in my life, I still can be 'PERPLEXED' when God acts in a way completely in harmony with His nature!

Guess I am just like them, lacking in faith and perplexed: BUT STILL HIS!  I don't know why (quite perplexing!) - I am just glad!

This week I read Luke's account, don't know why I did them out of order!   Any other m & m's doing the INTENTIONAL Easter preparation?

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