Monday, August 15, 2011

One of those weekends . . .

Have you ever had those seasons where you just can't seem to do ANYTHING well?  That was my weekend!  I felt behind, I felt inefficient, I felt less than prepared!   I was feeling really bad about myself and about the way the weekend had gone . . .and then Mary says to me "I can handle these kids today - go on into the service."     Thank you, Mary . .. Thank you, Lord.   Guess what Pastor preached about?  JESUS!  And how He is SUPERIOR in all things (from Hebrews 7):  He is holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.  OH YEAH, NOW I REMEMBER!   IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!  It's about HIM!  I am so thankful He patiently teaches me this over and over again . . .

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