Thursday, October 6, 2011


"And it is my prayer that your LOVE may abound more and more, with knowledge and all descernment, so that you may approve what is excellent and so be pure and blameless for the day  of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."  Phil. 1:8-11

Any Ms out there( you know who you are!)?  Would love to hear REUNION stories!  I know your families were so glad to see you!   Missing you - hope to figure how to post more pics later!


Jess said...

My reunion with my family was priceless! We went to pick up the kids from Cyndi's house and Adam yelled across the yard "HI MOM!!!" Then Leah was wiggling so much she couldn't walk over to me, I had to go pick her up! I got such tight hugs that I couldn't breathe. It was great :) Pete cleaned the entire house and did all the laundry so I wouldn't have to when I got home. All in all, it was totally worth it to go away for a couple days :) I had the best time with all of you!

Aliesha Caldwell | Feathers in Our Nest said...

Tad was so happy to see us! He just keeps saying how much he missed Vera (more than he even thought he would) and how much bigger she is!

bobbi said...

Awww - these are so sweet! My hubby missed me, too and I missed him!